oil on canvas board
I'm not really sure if you would say this is a Western Bluebird or a Rocky Mountain Bluebird. I do know that there is a difference; one is brighter and more colorful I think. We have both kinds here where I live, and my husband has built several bluebird houses and set them out around our property. We love to see them come in the spring, always in pairs and checking out the houses for their summer home. They seem very territorial and protective about those houses! There are usually several tree swallows competing for the same birdhouses and watching them chase each other off can be quite entertaining to watch. I am always hoping the Bluebirds win because the Swallows dive bomb me when I get near their house and scare the begeebers out of me!! Thanks so much for looking today and this would make a great little gift for a Bluebird lover!
Char Davis is a Daily Painter from Elizabeth, Colorado
visit my website: CharDavisFineArt.com
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