Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 8"x10"
Available at: $75.00 unframed + $5.00 s/h in U.S.
How to Purchase: Contact the artist
This is a the Arkansas River near Salida, Colorado. I love this whole area around Salida, Chalk Creek, and Buena Vista, Colorado. We used to take our camper up in the spring and leave it in a campground in Chalk Creek for the entire summer and early fall. I have never, in all my life living (mostly) in Colorado, seen such beautiful aspens anywhere as I have in this area. The trees are first of all huge; not groves of small whispy aspens, these are giant trees and they have the whitest bark I have ever seen. The trunks are huge in diameter, the white bark is so white, and the trees in the fall are bright aspen yellow to bright orange and every shade in between. The area is just amazing. We did a lot of four wheeling in this area "going where no man has gone before" I used to tell Dan because I felt like we were so far up and back into the mountain that if something happened; nobody would ever find us. What beautiful and amazing photos I have taken on those four wheel trips. I pulled out this photo and decided to paint it again and again until it looks like I want it to feel. Sometimes it doesn't matter how beautifully a painting is executed; it's the feeling that tell me "yes" that's exactly what I wanted to say. This was a beautiful area on the river and I can't wait to go back. Thanks for looking today.