Title: Heading for the Barn
Medium: Oil on
gessoed board
Size: 5”7”
Available at: $75.00 unframed + $5.00 s/h in U.S.
How to Purchase: Contact the artist
CharArtist@msn.comI will never tire of the pasture scenes all around the area where we live. I don't know, but there is just something to those wide open spaces, gently rolling hills, and the animals. I know, I know, it's really "the prairie" , but I think it is pretty. The wind blows here like the prairie, that I could do without...but I love the scenery. Every summer, around the middle of May, somebody brings a small heard of cattle and their babies to spend the rest of the summer in the pasture behind us. They hang out at our back fence, usually early in the morning and later in the afternoon. The young cows do an awful lot of staring at our chickens back there....I don't think they have ever seen a chicken and it's sort of funny to watch them all checking each other out. Of course, I have to get out my camera and take pictures. Thanks for looking today!